Archive for September, 2014|Monthly archive page

Colorado fall colors, 2014

A quick update from the last few days, September 26-28, 2014. . .

I drove around Crested Butte and Kebler Pass, and then up to Grand Mesa. It’s arguably one of the most amazing fall scenes in the United States, and this year it features a fair amount of red and orange. The colors are excellent right now, and should gradually make their way south in the next week or so. So, the west side of Kebler Pass should be pretty colorful by the first week or October, and Owl Creek and Telluride should also be nearing peak in a week or so. So here are a few pictures from the past weekend, enjoy it while you can.

Ohio Pass, looking south

Ohio Pass, looking south

East side of Kebler Pass

West side of Kebler Pass, still mostly green

Kebler Pass, nearing peak

Kebler Pass road, nearing peak

The perfect fall scene, south side of Grand Mesa

The perfect fall scene, south side of Grand Mesa

Grand Mesa, south side

Grand Mesa, south side

Grand Mesa, north side

Grand Mesa, north side